Kitchen Design: For A Healthy Lifestyle!

“DEAR MOM,? the note reads ?wake me by 6 tomorrow morning if I’m not already up. Love, Mike.”

The scrunched handwriting looks like an angel?s message on the kitchen cabinet door whose perfect stay with its colour and shine there makes it more luminous .This fact can well be called a happy-to-remember incident long after your six-year-old son becomes a fully grown up man.

It?s a perfect instance where a kitchen cabinet door stays with a normal happening in our daily household! The exquisite kitchen door is a remembrance of that sweet past. It carries that sensation.

Other than this sensational value, there exists a healthy value too.

Although the main function of a kitchen is cooking, it can be the centre of other activities as well, especially within homes, depending on its size, furnishing, and equipment.

Kitchen is that part from where the stamina for work comes and that is food. Kitchen and the healthy lives are just inseparably connected to each other. So a kitchen should be clean and airy, healthy and lively all the time.

So many factors determine this liveliness: kitchen design including kitchen cabinets, kitchen doors, kitchen furniture and the cook herself or himself.

Pertinent it may sound, but a proper kitchen cabinet door is really of utmost importance in this regard, as there can be various types of cabinets as per need. And those are the kitchen cabinets and door which make the kitchen what you want it to look for.

Like kitchen, bedroom does have the same significance. Here too, the role of doors is very much decisive in getting a true shape in your bedroom.

Simply changing your kitchen or bedroom doors gives you a chance to transform them to the new kitchens and bedrooms at a fraction of the cost.

After you have decided what the shape of your kitchen will be and how your storage will be arranged, the next step will be choosing the kitchen design. Keep in mind that, whichever material you choose to use for your cabinets, durability and low maintenance have to be the key to your choice.

There are so many companies from where you can get the kitchen doors as per your need and style.

So to make the kitchen look good it is very much required to have made to measure kitchen and bedroom doors relevant to your desire.

Let?s make the kitchen look like a true kitchen!

Tips For A Professional Paint Job

Ask professional painters how they get consistently beautiful results every time and you’ll get one consistent answer: First prime, then paint.

In fact, research shows that one coat of tinted primer and one coat of paint will give you a better-looking, longer-lasting paint job than two coats of paint. Here’s why:

Primers provide a foundation for paint. Ordinary paint is formulated to provide rich, beautiful color in your home-but don’t expect paint to do a primer’s job. High-quality primers like Zinsser’s Bulls Eye 1-2-3 are much richer in resin than ordinary paint and stick to the surface to provide a firm base for paint. Plus, Bulls Eye 1-2-3 sticks to glossy, hard-to-paint surfaces-paneling, cabinets, glossy paints and vinyl siding-without sanding.

Primers make your colors look better. Because they create a sealed, stain-free surface for paint, primers make your colors look vibrant and beautiful. They hide previous colors-even dark blues and reds-and prevent them from showing through your new paint job.

Primers prevent common problems. Because primers are formulated to prevent problems such as cracking, peeling and blistering, they’ll make any painted surface more durable, washable-and last much longer!

Primers save you money. One gallon of high-quality paint costs more than one gallon of high-quality primer. By tinting your primer towards your paint color, you’ll use less paint and get all the benefits of priming, without adding an extra step. And tinting a primer is easy! Bulls Eye 1-2-3 (for light and pastel colors) and Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Deep Tint (for medium and dark colors) are specially formulated for tinting. Just ask your paint store or home center clerk to add the same colorant they use to mix your paint to your primer.